」警非法搜索毆傷竊嫌致死 監院糾正警政署、屏縣警察局
美方公布台美貿易倡議二階談判內容 經貿辦:雙方有高度共識方向
陳俊翰籲各界關注罕病SMA用藥困境 盼政府重視病友權益
中國《央視》前記者王志安日前上《賀瓏夜夜秀》嘲諷罹患罕病的民進黨不分區立委提名人陳俊翰,引起輿論撻伐,節目團隊與主持人賀瓏對此道歉。陳俊翰律師30日出席脊髓性肌肉萎縮症(SMA)記者會時表示,對於賀瓏致歉已有完整回應,希望各界關注SMA患者的用藥困境,目前國內仍有300多位SMA患者不符合健保給付標準,他也是屬於「望藥興嘆」的一人,盼政府重視病友權益。陳俊翰自幼罹患罕見疾病SMA,用比別人加倍的努力,靠全身唯一能動的嘴巴控制輪椅和寫字,取得美國法學博士與律師執照,卻捨棄國外治療的機會,毅然返台為罕病病友爭取平等醫療。他坦言身體功能退化已是患者日常,但生命意義遠超出身體功能限制,靠著母親、旁人協助,自己還能從事人權倡議工作,努力完成夢想。陳俊翰表示,台灣罕見疾病患者有1萬7千多人,生活中面臨很多不同的困難,但在健保給付限制下,許多患者仍無藥可用。SMA藥物開放健保給付後,目前國內仍有300多人不符合健保給付標準,真正能使用藥物的患者大概僅有3分之1。他自己也是其中之一,僅接受症狀治療,無法阻止全身肌肉退化,只能望藥興嘆。不是漸凍症! SMA嬰兒死亡率最高疾病脊髓性肌肉萎縮症是一種因運動神經元退化,導致肌肉無力及萎縮的隱性遺傳性疾病。「台灣SMA之父」鐘育志教授表示,SMA與「漸凍症(ALS)」容易混淆,兩者雖然都與運動神經元退化有關,但漸凍症好發年齡介於50至75歲,SMA病友在18歲之內發病者高達99%。根據統計,台灣目前約有420名SMA病友,大人小孩皆有。SMA症狀包括肌肉張力低下、四肢與軀幹肌肉無力與肌肉萎縮,且運動功能隨著年齡增長而持續退化。鐘育志表示,坐輪椅的病友幾乎都是極重度肢體障礙者,最嚴重者除了肌肉沒力量,而且全身肌肉鬆軟到連自己的頭部垂倒時都無力撐起,不但照顧者難以抱起,病友可能連自己移位、如廁、刷牙、洗臉、拿碗、舉筷、咀嚼、吞嚥都有困難,甚至睡覺時翻身或呼吸的力氣也沒有,晚上還需使用呼吸器。SMA依發病年齡與最佳運動功能將疾病分為4種類型,其中約6成SMA病友在出生6個月以內發病,是最嚴重的第一型,陳俊翰便屬此型,若未能及早治療,2歲前死亡率高達8成,是全世界嬰兒死亡率最高的遺傳疾病。病程踩煞車 SMA治療有望讓運動功能進步台大醫院神經部教授蔡力凱表示,SMA過去無藥可醫,主要依據病人的需求提供營養與呼吸照護,幫助預防肌肉無力產生的併發症。直到2016年開始,SMA陸續出現俗稱的背針、基因治療與口服藥等3種新興治療藥物,透過影響特定基因表現,不但有助減緩惡化,「幫病程踩煞車」,真實世界的臨床觀察更發現及早治療有機會讓運動功能進步。SMA病友盼健保鬆綁年齡與門檻蔡力凱表示,全台約有420名SMA病友,健保給付治療已約百人受惠,但與時間賽跑的病友仍有近300人,這群病人主要因RULM(上肢運動功能)低於15分、目前功能狀態較嚴重,抑或是3歲以後發病,病程惡化速度相對較慢,而被健保拒於門外。根據文獻,即使目前功能狀態較嚴重,治療也有機會翻轉命運,且全球與國內數據也皆看到類似成果,呼籲政府給予每位SMA病友治療的機會。台灣首位SMA律師 盼病友享有平等醫療權益中華民國肌萎縮症病友協會法律顧問陳俊翰律師,不僅是現任中央研究院法律研究所博士後研究學者,更是台灣第一位前往美國取得法學博士與律師執照的SMA病友。雖然在美國擁有較好的治療機會與高薪,但他卻選擇回國,與SMA病友一同等待。陳俊翰認為,每一個生命都有與生俱來的意義,在海外求學時深刻體會到國際上對待人權的最基本尊重,就是珍惜他的生命價值,全球許多國家也對SMA治療採取全給付政策。至於台灣SMA病友須符合特定條件才能獲給付,陳俊翰坦言,從滿心希望藥物給付,到「有藥可用,但不包括我」的沮喪,這個等待過程與結果對病人來說是殘忍與煎熬的。每一位罕病病友都在跟時間賽跑,他們迫切需要藥物來阻止疾病惡化,這些藥不僅代表病友們是否可以活動,更代表生命的延續,每一條生命都有存在的意義,也都值得被救。台灣自詡人權立國,期待政府多關愛SMA與其他罕見疾病病友,享有應有的、平等的醫療權益,有機會發揮自我價值。
提升受害人權益保障 外籍、無國籍者可依法請求冤獄補償
犯罪被害人保護新制1日上路 陳建仁:從補償提升為尊嚴
身障者爭取「活得像人」! 玉姐吿贏新北社會局、法院令提高照顧時數
獨居低收入的重度肌肉萎縮障礙者「玉姐(化名)」,因全身無力、無法自理生活,但政府未提供足夠的生活人力時數協助,玉姐被迫關在家中20餘年,遂提起行政訴訟,希望增加照顧時數,台北高等行政法院上午判決,撤銷新北市社會局每月僅提供60小時的照顧時數,要求重新評估。對此,無法到場聆聽判決結果的玉姐,透過電話表達對法官的感謝,她表示一路走來十分不容易,自立生活非常辛苦,希望新北市社會局未來的評估能提供她足夠的協助,也希望其他身障者能夠得到足夠幫助。新北市政府社會局回應指出:非常重視身心障礙者的權益,並全力支持、希望能在社區自立生活。考量障礙者因特殊因素而有較高的服務需求,去年10月起,調整到最高100小時,本案玉姐自今年2月起,就已核定為100小時。目前新北市自立生活補助最高100小時,已經是全國最高者。希望中央有全國一致性的規範,補助經費和人力,新北市會全力配合,讓特殊身心障礙朋友擁有更自立的生活。許多身障朋友齊聚台北高等行政法院聆聽判決,挺身支持玉姐,爭取政府提供足夠照顧時數。(圖/方萬民攝)2021年起協助玉姐的台北市新活力自立生活協會,由也是身障者的總幹事林君潔代表發言指出,玉姐20年來沒法好好躺下來,疫情期間因為沒辦法打疫苗而染疫,住院14天,非常辛苦。長期協助玉姐訴訟的翁國彥律師呼籲新北市社會局不要上訴,他表示玉姐的困境不是號稱人權立國的台灣該發生的,玉姐連家中蟑螂爬到她身上都無力驅趕,還常被電熱器燙傷,新北市社會局一直以如果新北17萬人的身障者都來申請補助、會破產為由,拒絕提供照顧時數,但這不是理由,因為沒有這麼多人申請,他希望全國縣市政府社會局都能檢討改進。台北高等行政法院2月9日上午召開言詞辯論庭,玉姐透過視訊與法官對話,希望爭取足夠的照護人力及時數。她盼望政府能提供足夠資源,讓他能好好吃飯、自由生活。本案2021年8月由知名人權律師翁國彥律師協助提告,北高行歷經1年半審理,今天上午10點半宣判。這件案子是台灣第一起涉及《身心障礙者權利公約》第19條,身心障礙者在社區自立生活權利的行政訴訟案件。新北市政府社會局的委任律師認為,政府財政負擔沉重、補助資源有限,不是每個地方政府都能有足夠財力滿足所有身心障礙者需求,如果提供每天24小時的照顧,就不是當初社會局訂立自立生活服務計畫的目的。玉姐委任的翁國彥律師指出,玉姐的情況需要每天24小時照顧,政府機關目前的協助不符她的實際需求,導致生活水準低於一般國民。台北市新活力自立生活協會指出,玉姐的遭遇對全民來說是重大的威脅,也是政府漠視已久的問題,這絕對不是玉姐或少數人的困境,需要大家一起來關心。新北市政府社會局有關本案(李玟燕)自立生活行政訴訟判決的回應:一、 新北市非常重視身心障礙者的權益,尤其是特殊身障者希望在社區自立生活,市府也都全力支持。二、 考量障礙者因特殊因素而有較高的服務需求,新北市從去年10月起,調整到最高100小時,這位案主從今年2月起,就已核定為100小時。三、 新北市自立生活補助最高100小時,這已經是全國最高者;如果中央有全國一致性的規範,並願意補助所需要的經費和人力,我們會全力配合,讓特殊身心障礙朋友擁有更自立的生活。
遭民進黨選後追殺 鍾東錦親上火線痛批:司法喪失獨立性
殺人不償命1/全國38死囚恐死裡逃生 憲法法庭「撿到槍」擬翻案
賴副總統、現場的各位貴賓、電視機前跟網路上的朋友、全體國人同胞,大家好。Vice President Lai, esteemedguests, friends watching on TV and online, my fellow citizens across thecountry, good morning.(一)作為共同體的台灣A Taiwanese Community今天我站在這裡,以無比感恩的心情,再次承擔台灣人民交付給我的責任。I feel immensely grateful to stand here once again todayand take on the responsibility entrusted to me bythe Taiwanese people. 這是中華民國史上,最特別的總統就職典禮。它特別的地方,不在於典禮的規模,也不在於參與的人數,而在於,我們都知道,這一路走來有多麼不容易。This inauguration ceremony is unique in the history ofthe Republic of China. What makes it special is not its size or the number ofpeople in attendance. It is special because we know how difficult it has beenfor us to get to this point.我要感謝台灣人民,是你們讓這麼不容易的事,在台灣發生。I want to thank the people of Taiwan for making such adifficult feat possible. 我要特別謝謝一些人,他們在過去這四個月的防疫期間,很少被人提及。我要謝謝每一位在防疫初期,在藥房門口排隊的台灣人民。謝謝你們的耐心,以及謝謝你們對政府的信任。是你們讓全世界看到,台灣,即使在最不安的時刻,也能保持公民的美德。I particularly want to thank a group of people who havenot received a lot of attention over the past four months in our fight againstCOVID-19. I want to thank every single person who waited in line outside of thepharmacy in the early days of the coronavirus outbreak. Thank you for yourpatience, and thank you for trusting the government. You have shown the worldTaiwan’s commitment to civic virtues, even in times of greatest distress.我也要謝謝那些居家檢疫、居家隔離的人。你們忍受生活的不便,為的是保護他人的健康。謝謝你們,展現人性中最善良的一面,成就台灣防疫的成功。I also want to thank everyone who was quarantined orisolated at home, putting up with inconvenience in your daily life to keepothers safe and healthy. Thank you for exemplifying humanity’s best qualitiesand helping us successfully bring the coronavirus outbreak under control.國家的光榮感,生死與共的共同體,這一段記憶,將會存在我們每一個人心中。團結的感覺,就是這個樣子。This sense of pride in our country, this community’sshared destiny, and the memories of these past months will live on in all ofour hearts. This is what solidarity feels like.我們今天現場,有許多各國使節代表,而且我相信,世界上一定有許多國家,也都在關心台灣。Many ambassadors and representatives from other countriesare here today, and I trust that many countries around the world are watchingTaiwan as well.我想藉著這個機會告訴你們,你們看到的國家,有一群善良而堅韌的人民。這一群人民,無論在多麼艱難的環境中,依然能靠著我們的民主、我們的團結,和我們對彼此的責任感,克服挑戰、度過難關,讓台灣在世界上屹立不搖。I want to take this opportunity to tell you that thecountry you see is populated by kind and resilient people. No matter thedifficulties we face, we can always count on our democracy, our solidarity, andour sense of responsibility towards each other to help us overcome challenges,weather difficult times, and stand steadfast in the world.(二)空前的挑戰和絕佳的機會Unprecedented challenges and unparalleled opportunities從一月到現在,台灣連續兩次讓國際社會驚豔。第一次是我們的民主選舉,第二次則是我們的防疫成績。From January to now, Taiwan has amazed the internationalcommunity twice. The first was our democratic elections, and the second was oursuccess in the fight against COVID-19.過去這一段時間,因為防疫的成功,「台灣」出現在全世界的各大新聞媒體上。In recent months, Taiwan’s name has appeared in headlinesaround the world, thanks to our successful containment of the coronavirusoutbreak.「台灣」也寫在我們一箱又一箱送往國外的物資上頭。台灣人是世界上最良善的一群人,當我們有能力的時候,一定會向國際社會伸出援手。“Taiwan” is also emblazoned on the boxes of supplies weare sending abroad. The Taiwanese people have the kindest hearts in the entire world,and we will always offer help to the international community whenever we areable.我也希望全體國人同胞,除了分享光榮跟喜悅之外,也能體會「自助助人、自助人助」的精神。I hope that in addition to sharing in a sense of prideand joy, my fellow citizens can take to heart the spirit of “helping ourselvesto help others;” “when we help ourselves, others will help us.”疫情還沒有完全結束,我們不能有絲毫鬆懈。就算疫情過去了,衝擊也不會立刻散去。This pandemic has not yet ended, and we must remainvigilant. Even when it ends, its impacts will linger on.這次疫情對全球的衝擊既深又廣,它改變了全球政治經濟的秩序,不僅加速、加大了全球供應鏈的重組,重新排列了經濟板塊,也改變了人們的生活和消費型態,甚至也改變了國際社會對台灣和周邊情勢的想像。The coronavirus has profoundly affected our world. It haschanged the global political and economic order, accelerated and expanded thereorganization of global supply chains, restructured the global economy, andchanged the way we live and shop. It has even changed the way the internationalcommunity views Taiwan and developments in the surrounding region.這些改變是挑戰,但也是機會。我要請所有的國人同胞做好準備,因為接下來,還有各種考驗和難關在等著我們。These changes present us with both challenges andopportunities. I want to ask that my fellow citizens be prepared, becausecountless challenges and difficulties remain ahead of us.未來四年,誰能從疫情中脫困;誰能針對疫情所帶來的改變,研擬國家的生存發展策略。誰能在疫情過後,複雜詭譎的國際情勢間,掌握機會,誰就能讓國家在世界中脫穎而出。Over the next four years, only those who can end thepandemic within their borders, lay out a strategy for their country’s survivaland development, and take advantage of opportunities in the complex world oftomorrow, will be able to set themselves apart on the international stage.治理國家從來不能依賴激情,而是要在變局中,保持冷靜、指出方向。過去四年,這一點,我做到了。It takes more than fervor to govern a country. Leadershipmeans calmly taking the right direction in a changing world. That is preciselywhat I have done over the past four years. 我說過,我會留下一個更好的國家給各位。所以,下一個四年,在產業發展、社會安定、國家安全、民主深化,這四大面向上,我也會超前部署,讓台灣脫胎換骨,我會帶領台灣迎向未來。I said before that I will leave you with a bettercountry. So over the next four years, I will proactively develop ourindustries, foster a safe society, ensure national security, and deepen ourdemocracy. I am going to reinvent Taiwan and lead our country into the future. (三)國家建設工程 NationalDevelopment1.產業與經濟發展1. Industrial and Economic Development我知道,台灣人民最關心的,就是我們的產業和經濟的發展。我們在2016年啟動了「經濟發展新模式」,致力讓台灣經濟走向世界。四年來,在國際經濟的巨大變局下,台灣不僅挺了過來,經濟成長更回到四小龍的第一名,股市萬點也成為常態。 I know that theTaiwanese people are most concerned about our industrial and economicdevelopment. In 2016, we initiated a new economic development model to helpconnect Taiwan’s economy to the world. Over the past four years, despitemassive changes in the international economy, Taiwan has done more than justweather the storm. Our economic growth has once again topped the Four AsianTigers, and the stock market index now regularly breaks 10,000 points. 因為疫情控制得當,台灣至今,仍然可以維持經濟正成長,這是全球少有的。但我們在紓困以及振興經濟上,必須持續超前部署,全力維持經濟穩定成長。 Thanksto our successful control of the pandemic, so far, Taiwan is able to maintainpositive economic growth. This is rare in the world. However, we need tocontinue to take early action on economic relief and revitalization, and do whateverit takes to maintain stable economic growth. 未來四年,我們面對的,是全球經濟更劇烈變動,和供應鏈加速重整的局面。在整體經濟方面,我們將秉持「穩定中追求成長、變局中把握先機」的政策理念,持續落實前瞻基礎建設、兆元投資等重大計畫,來鞏固未來幾十年的經濟發展。 Overthe next four years, we will face more intense changes in the global economyand the accelerated reorganization of supply chains. We will continue toimplement our Forward-looking Infrastructure Development and trillion NT-dollarinvestment programs. We will do so in the spirit of “achieving growth throughstability, and seizing opportunity amid changes,” in order to secure Taiwan’seconomic development over the coming decades.在產業發展方面,我們更要抓住時機,在5+2產業創新的既有基礎上,打造「六大核心戰略產業」,讓台灣成為未來全球經濟的關鍵力量。In terms of industrialdevelopment, we are going to take advantage of the opportunities before us in sixcore strategic industries founded on our 5+2 Innovative Industries Program, totransform Taiwan into a critical force in the global economy.● 六大核心戰略產業Six Core Strategic Industries第一,台灣要持續強化資訊及數位相關產業發展。我們要利用半導體和資通訊產業的優勢,全力搶占全球供應鏈的核心地位,讓台灣成為下一個世代,資訊科技的重要基地,全力促進物聯網和人工智慧的發展。First, we will continue todevelop our information and digital industries. We will take advantage ofTaiwan’s strengths in the semiconductor and ICT industries to secure a centralrole in global supply chains, and make Taiwan a major base for the developmentof next generation technologies, including IoT and AI.第二,台灣要發展可以結合5G時代、數位轉型、以及國家安全的資安產業。我們要全力打造可以有效保護自己,也能被世界信賴的資安系統及產業鏈。Second, we are going to develop acybersecurity industry that can integrate with 5G, digital transformation, andour national security. We will strive to create cybersecurity systems and anindustrial chain that can protect our country and earn the world’s trust.第三,我們要打造接軌全球的生物及醫療科技產業。這次疫情中,無論是試劑製造、或是新藥和疫苗的研發,「台灣團隊」都有足夠的能力,跟全球頂尖技術接軌。我們要全力扶持相關產業,讓台灣成為全球克服疫病挑戰的關鍵力量。Third, we are going to createbiotech and medical technology industries integrated with the rest of theworld. Throughout this pandemic, Taiwanese teams have proven that they arecapable of working with world-class technologies to produce reagents anddevelop new drugs and vaccines. We are going to give these industries ourutmost support, and transform Taiwan into a key force in the global battleagainst infectious diseases. 第四,我們要發展軍民整合的國防及戰略產業。除了已經在進行當中的國艦國造、國機國造,我們會更強力推動軍民技術整合,激發民間製造能量,更進一步進軍航空及太空產業。Fourth, we are going to developnational defense and strategic industries by integrating military and civiliancapabilities. In addition to domestically-produced naval vessel and aircraftprograms that are currently underway, we will push harder to promotetechnological integration between the military and the private sector, tostimulate private sector production capabilities, and advance into the aviationand space industries.第五,我們要加速發展綠電及再生能源產業。過去四年,再生能源有飛躍性的發展,台灣成為國際再生能源投資的熱點。在這個基礎上,2025年綠能占整體能源百分之二十的目標,我有信心可以達成,台灣將成為亞太綠能中心。 Fifth, we are going toaccelerate the development of green energy and renewable energy industries.Over the past four years, renewable energy has experienced explosive growth,and Taiwan has become a hotspot for international investment. Building on thisfoundation, I am confident that we will achieve our goal of deriving 20% of ouroverall energy from green sources by 2025. We are going to make Taiwan a centerfor green energy in Asia.第六,我們還要建構足以確保關鍵物資供應的民生及戰備產業。面對未來的全球秩序變化,從口罩、醫療及民生用品、能源到糧食供應,我們要把重要的產業鏈留在國內,維持一定的自給率。Sixth, we are going to establishstrategic stockpile industries that can ensure the steady provision of criticalsupplies. Facing changes to the global order, we need to keep key industrialchains in Taiwan and maintain a certain degree of self-sufficiency in theproduction of face masks, medical and daily supplies, energy, and food. 在當前的國際局勢中,誰能擺脫依賴,誰就掌握國家生存發展的先機。我要請所有產業界的朋友們放心,政府不會讓產業孤單。在未來幾年,我們有幾個主要的策略,來全力帶動產業發展。In the current internationalclimate, countries that end their dependence on others will have a head starton national development. I would like our friends across all industries to restassured that our government stands with you. Over the next few years, we haveseveral strategies to drive the growth of our industries. ● 產業發展策略 Industrial DevelopmentStrategy首先,我們要將國內需求,作為基礎能量,來帶動產業發展。尤其是公共部門的需求,以及維持國家安全的基本需求。First, we will use domesticdemand, particularly demand from the public sector and national security needs,as the basic engine for our industrial development. 像是在這次疫情中,口罩等防疫物資的戰略需求,帶動了相關產業的發展,就是最好的例子。我們的國防產業和再生能源產業,也都能循著類似的模式,加速發展。A prime example of this is theway strategic demand for face masks and other medical supplies throughout thispandemic has spurred the development of related industries. We can adopt asimilar model for our national defense and renewable energy industries to helpaccelerate their development. 不只有口罩國家隊,未來,我們也會視各產業的規模及條件,組成國家隊。藉由政府對內部需求的保證,建立「台灣品牌」的全球戰略物資製造業,並且拓展到其他市場。We will continue to organize“national teams,” like our face mask team, according to the size and conditionsof different industries. We will utilize our government’s guarantee of domesticdemand to establish a global strategic materials manufacturing industry underthe “Taiwanese brand” and help it expand into other markets. 再來,我們知道,金融支援是產業發展最重要的環節。未來,我們會採取更靈活的金融政策,持續改革金融體制,運用更多元的金融手段,來協助產業的資金需求。 We know that financial support iscrucial to industrial development. Looking to the future, we will adopt moreflexible financial policies, continue to reform financial systems, and use morediverse means to help industries obtain the financing they need.我們也會全力打造安全的產業環境。政府將致力於維持完善的公衛體系、堅固的國家安全體系、穩定的社會、良好的法治、以及健全的市場。有了這些保證,全球的高科技和戰略性產業,才會願意選擇台灣,作為生產和研發基地。We will also work to create asafe environment for our industries. Our government is committed to maintainingsound public health and national security systems, a stable society, strongrule of law, and a healthy market. We need to offer these guarantees so thathigh-tech and strategic industries will be willing to choose Taiwan as theirproduction and R&D base.接下來,我們也要持續引導產業布局全球。和美、日、歐洽簽貿易或投資保障協定,這個目標我們會繼續努力。We will also continue to guidethe global expansion of our industries. We will keep working to sign trade orinvestment protection agreements with the United States, Japan, and Europeancountries.我們持續推動新南向政策的同時,也會積極開拓其他有潛力的市場,鼓勵廠商前往布局,為產業的國際合作,創造更有利的條件。當我們在全球尋找機會時,各地的台商將會是我們最好的夥伴。 As we continue to promoteour New Southbound Policy, we will also develop other potential markets andencourage firms to establish operations there, giving our industries an edgewhen they engage in international cooperation. Overseas Taiwanese businesscommunities around the world will be our best partners as we seek newinternational opportunities.最後,則是人才的問題。台灣要成為全球經濟的關鍵力量,就必須匯聚各方的人才。蔡英文的政府,會全力爭取國際上最頂尖的技術、研發和管理人才,讓台灣產業的團隊能夠更加國際化,擁有全球競爭的視野和能力。Finally, we have the issue oftalent. In order for Taiwan to become a key global economic force, we need adiverse talent pool. My government will bring in the world’s top technical,R&D, and management talents to help globalize Taiwan’s workforce, widen ourindustries’ horizons, and give them the ability to compete in the internationalarena.未來,台灣更要和國際進一步接軌,我們將在雙語國家及數位領域上,培養更多的本土人才和菁英,讓產業有更強的國際競爭力。Looking to the future, Taiwanmust further connect with the international community. We will work tocultivate more outstanding bilingual and digital talents, giving our industriesa global competitive edge. 未來四年,更融通的金流、更活水的人流、更強勁的產業實力、更與世界緊密連結的台灣,將開啟嶄新的經濟格局,迎向繁榮新時代。Over the next four years,Taiwan’s economy will enter a new stage, complete with more flexible capitaland talent flows, more robust industrial capabilities, and closer ties with theworld. Together, we are going to enter a new era of shared prosperity. 2.社會安定:醫療健康網、社會安全網,接住每個需要幫助的人2. Safe Society: Health and Social Safety Nets to CatchThose Who Need Help產業發展的同時,我們不會忘記社會安定,也是人民對政府的重要期待。一個更好的國家,政府必須要擔起更多責任,來減輕人民的負擔,減少社會的問題。As we develop our industries, we will also keep in mindthat the people expect the government to foster a safe society. To be a bettercountry, the government must take on more responsibilities to reduce the burdenon the people and mitigate issues in society.過去幾年,我們把長照2.0、幼托照顧、居住正義的問題,一個一個補了起來。未來四年,我的目標,就是要把這張網,做得更綿密,接住每一個需要幫助的人,盡量不要讓憾事再發生。Over the past few years, we have addressed Long-term Care2.0, childcare, and residential justice issues. Over the next four years, mygoal is to weave an even tighter net that can catch every single person whoneeds help and prevent future tragedies.●健康防疫安全網●Healthand Disease Prevention Safety Net首先,我們要更強化健康和防疫安全網。台灣已經是高齡社會,疫病的流行,對人民的健康是嚴厲的挑戰。因此我們必須強化疫病防治和醫療能量,結合產業,在疫苗和藥物的開發、以及傳染病防治的領域,有更多突破,讓人民可以更健康、受到更好的照顧。First, we will strengthen ourhealth and disease prevention safety net. Taiwan is an ageing society, andinfectious diseases pose a serious challenge to the health of our people. Thatis why we need to bolster our disease prevention and treatment capabilities andlink industries to make more breakthroughs in vaccine and new drug development,as well as infectious disease prevention and treatment, so that people canenjoy healthy lives and receive better care.●社會安全網補漏網●MendingGaps in the Social Safety Net接著,我們要把社會安全網的漏洞補起來。這幾年來,有幾起跟「思覺失調症」患者相關的治安事件,引起很多討論。不只是「思覺失調症」,其他精神疾病、毒癮、家庭暴力等問題也一樣。Our second step will be to mendthe gaps in our social safety net. Over the past few years, a great deal ofdiscussion has arisen around public safety incidents involving schizophreniapatients. The same goes for other mental illnesses, drug addiction, anddomestic violence.我了解民眾的憂慮,這不只是個人或家庭的事,更是政府的事。當家庭無法妥善照顧這些患者時,政府就有責任介入協助。I understand your concerns. These issues are not just theresponsibility of individuals or families, they are the responsibility of thegovernment. When families are unable to provide proper care, the government hasa duty to step in and help.我會強化社會照顧體系,提升第一線的社工能量,改善他們的工作環境,讓社工能夠深入最基層,把過去社會安全網沒有接住的人找出來。I am going to upgrade our social care system, enhance thecapabilities of frontline social workers, and improve their work environments,so that they can work at the grassroots and identify people who have fallenthrough the gaps in our safety net. 另外,對於個案所引發的爭議,我們不能把責任全部推給醫療部門、或個別法官。司法和行政部門,應該要檢討制度、優化制度,該修法的地方,就應該要著手修正。We cannot hold medical agenciesor individual judges solely responsible for controversies surrounding specificcases. Our judicial and executive branches should reevaluate and optimize thesesystems and take initiatives to make any necessary legal amendments.3. 國家安全:國防事務改革、積極參與國際、兩岸和平穩定3. National Security: National Defense Reforms, ActiveInternational Participation, Peaceful and Stable Cross-strait Relations一個更好的國家,也必須重視國家安全。過去四年,我們推動國防事務改革、積極參與國際,維持兩岸關係的和平穩定,希望讓台灣在印太地區的和平、穩定與繁榮,扮演更積極的角色。未來四年,這些政策方向不會改變,我們也會做得更多。A better country requires a greater emphasis on nationalsecurity. Over the past four years, we have pushed for national defensereforms, active international participation, and peaceful, stable cross-straitrelations. We hope that Taiwan can play a more active role in the peace,stability, and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region. Over the next four years,the direction of our policies will remain the same, and we will do even more.●國防事務改革●National Defense Reforms在國防事務改革方面,有三個重要的方向。第一是加速發展「不對稱戰力」。在強化防衛固守能力的同時,未來戰力的發展,將著重機動、反制、非傳統的不對稱戰力;並且能夠有效防衛「網路戰」、「認知戰」、以及「超限戰」的威脅,達成重層嚇阻的戰略目標。We have three important directions for our nationaldefense reforms. First is accelerating the development of our asymmetricalcapabilities. While we work to bolster our defense capabilities, future combatcapacity development will also emphasize mobility, countermeasures, and non-traditionalasymmetrical capabilities. We will also work to strengthen our defenses againstthe threats of cyber warfare, cognitive warfare, and “unrestricted” warfare toachieve our strategic goal of multidomain deterrence.第二是後備動員制度的實質改革。我們要提高後備部隊的人員素質和武器裝備;後備戰力提高,才能有效地跟常備軍隊協同作戰。此外,平常就要建立跨部會的常設後備動員體制,協調人力物力,平戰轉換時,動員才會順利。The second is substantive reforms to our military reserveand mobilization systems. We need to enhance the quality of our reserve forces,as well as their weapons, equipment, and training, in order to achieveeffective jointness with our regular forces. We also need to establish a standing,interdepartmental system connecting our reserve and mobilization systems. Thissystem will help coordinate personnel and supplies, so that we can successfullymobilize during a transition from peacetime to war. 第三是改善部隊管理制度。現在的年輕士官兵,都是在民主自由的社會長大,如何讓他們在軍中,發揮更好的戰力和專長,這是必須正視的課題。Third is improvements to our military’s management institutions.Today’s young servicemembers have all grown up in a democratic society, and oneof our most important missions will be to find ways for them to better utilizetheir professional skills in line with military needs. 年輕人從軍出現適應上的問題,反映出社會轉變和軍中管理制度的落差。我們必須把落差補起來,不要因為制度的不周全,影響了社會對軍隊的觀感,也造成軍人的榮譽和士氣,在一個又一個的個案中,被消耗掉。Some young servicemembers have difficulties adjusting tomilitary needs, reflecting the gap between today’s society and our militarymanagement institutions. We need to work to close that gap. We need to reducenegative societal views of the military and end the gradual erosion of ourmilitary’s prestige and morale due to individual incidents caused by imperfect institutions.因此,我們要在制度上,強化軍中申訴關懷機制、建立公允的事件調查機制、以及滾動檢討人事配置。在教育訓練上,則要提升各級幹部領導統御能力,達成管理的現代化、專業化。Thus, we will improve appeal and counseling mechanismswithin the military, establish a fair and equitable incident investigationmechanism, and regularly evaluate personnel placements. In terms of educationand training, we will strengthen leadership capacities across all levels ofleadership and foster a modern management system that emphasizes professionalism.我們要在維持戰力的團隊軍紀,以及社會價值對個人的尊重之間,取得均衡。We need to strike a balance between the team-orientedmilitary discipline needed for actual combat and society’s respect for theindividual.●積極參與國際社會●Active InternationalParticipation在國際層面,過去四年,我們積極參與各項國際重大議題,包括反恐合作、人道援助、宗教自由、以及非傳統安全等重要全球議題。Over the past four years, we have actively taken part inaddressing major global issues, including counter-terrorism cooperation,humanitarian assistance, religious freedom, and nontraditional security.在這次國際疫情中,我們在能力範圍內,對國際社會展開無私援助,受到了高度肯定。Throughout this global pandemic, we have been praised forproviding selfless assistance to the international community wherever we areable.台灣,已經被國際定位為民主成功故事、可信賴夥伴、世界良善力量,這是台灣人民的共同驕傲。Taiwan has been deemed ademocratic success story, a reliable partner, and a force for good in the worldby the international community. All Taiwanese people should take pride in this.未來四年,我們會持續爭取參與國際組織,強化和友邦的共榮合作,和美、日、歐等共享價值的國家,深化夥伴關係。Over the next four years, we will continue to fight forour participation in international organizations, strengthen mutuallybeneficial cooperation with our allies, and bolster ties with the UnitedStates, Japan, Europe, and other like-minded countries. 我們也會更積極參與區域的合作機制,和區域相關國家攜手,共同為印太區域的和平、穩定與繁榮,做出實際貢獻。We will also participate more actively in regionalcooperation mechanisms and work hand-in-hand with countries in the region tomake concrete contributions to peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacificregion.●和平穩定的兩岸關係●Peaceful and Stable Cross-straitRelations面對複雜多變的兩岸情勢,過去四年,我們盡力為兩岸和平穩定,做出最大的努力,也獲得國際社會的肯定;我們會持續努力,也願意跟對岸展開對話,為區域安全,做出更具體的貢獻。In the face of complex and changing cross-straitcircumstances, we have made the greatest effort to maintain peace and stabilityin the Taiwan Strait over the past four years, gaining approval from theinternational community. We will continue these efforts, and we are willing toengage in dialogue with China and make more concrete contributions to regionalsecurity.我要再次重申「和平、對等、民主、對話」這八個字。我們不會接受北京當局,以「一國兩制」矮化台灣,破壞台海的現狀,這是我們堅定不移的原則。Here, I want to reiterate the words “peace, parity,democracy, and dialogue.” We will not accept the Beijing authorities’ use of“one country, two systems” to downgrade Taiwan and undermine the cross-straitstatus quo. We stand fast by this principle.我們也會持續遵循中華民國憲法,與兩岸人民關係條例,來處理兩岸事務。這是我們維持台海和平穩定現狀的一貫立場。We will continue to handle cross-strait affairs accordingto the Constitution of the Republic of China and the Act Governing Relationsbetween the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area. This has been ourconsistent position for maintaining the peaceful and stable status quo in theTaiwan Strait.兩岸關係正處於歷史的轉折點,雙方都有責任,謀求長遠相處之道,避免對立與分歧的擴大。在變局之中,我會堅守原則,並秉持解決問題的開放態度,負起責任,也期盼對岸領導人,能承擔起相對的責任,共同穩定兩岸關係的長遠發展。Cross-strait relations have reached a historical turningpoint. Both sides have a duty to find a way to coexist over the long term andprevent the intensification of antagonism and differences. Faced with changingcircumstances, I will hold firm to my principles, adopt an open attitude toresolve issues, and shoulder my responsibilities as President. I also hope thatthe leader on the other side of the Strait will take on the sameresponsibility, and work with us to jointly stabilize the long-term developmentof cross-strait relations.(四)國家體制強化及民主深化Strengthening State Institutions and Democracy未來四年,除了國家建設的工程,政府體制的優化,也非常重要。立法院即將成立修憲委員會,提供一個平台,讓攸關政府制度、以及人民權利的各項憲政體制改革議題,能夠被充分對話、形成共識。While we work to achieve national development, it iscrucial that we optimize our government institutions over the next four years.Our Legislative Yuan will establish a constitutional amendment committee,giving us a platform to engage in dialogue and reach a consensus onconstitutional reforms pertaining to government systems and people’s rights.藉由這個民主過程,憲政體制將更能夠與時俱進,契合台灣社會的價值。而朝野都有共識的18歲公民權,更應該優先來推動。This democratic process will enable the constitutionalsystem to progress with the times and align with the values of Taiwanesesociety. Our first priority should be to lower the voting age from 20 to 18, anissue on which both the majority and opposition parties are in agreement.在司法改革方面,上個任期,我實現了「司改國是會議」的承諾,讓「法官法」、「律師法」、「憲法訴訟法」、以及「勞動事件法」陸續完成修法,這都是改善司法體質的基礎工程。In terms of judicial reform, I delivered on my promise toconvene a National Congress on Judicial Reform, and we completed amendments tothe Judges Act, the Attorney Regulation Act, the Constitutional Court ProcedureAct, and the Labor Incident Act. This is all base work for the furtherimprovement of our judicial system.但是司改還在轉型期,現階段的成果,和人民的期待,還有一段距離。我會繼續傾聽各方的意見,不會停下腳步,人民的不滿,就是持續改革的動力。However, our judicial reforms are still in transition,and our current progress has not yet met the public’s expectations. I willcontinue to solicit opinions from across society and keep pressing forward. Thepeople’s dissatisfaction drives us to continue on the path of reform.在未來四年內,國民法官制度一定要上路,讓人民進入法庭擔任國民法官,成為改革的催化劑,讓司法體系與人民的距離不再遙遠,更加符合期待,贏得信賴。Within the next four years, we need to implement a layjudge system, so that citizens can act as lay judges in court and becomecatalysts for judicial reform. This will help bridge the distance between thepeople and our judicial system, so that it aligns better with theirexpectations and earns their trust.另外,所有憲政機關,都要持續改革的腳步。行政院組織改造工程,將在重新盤點後再次啟動,包括成立一個專責的數位發展部會,還有與時俱進地調整各部會,讓政府的治理能力,更貼近國家發展的需要。All constitutional institutions must also continue on thepath of reform. The Executive Yuan will reevaluate and reinitiate itsorganizational reform process, including the establishment of a specializeddigital development agency and adjustments to all ministries in line withcurrent needs. This will enable governance capabilities to be more responsiveto the needs of national development.監察院的國家人權委員會,將在今年八月掛牌成立,它將是台灣落實「人權立國」理念的里程碑,也是監察院轉型的起點。The National Human Rights Commission under the ControlYuan will officially be established in August of this year. This will be amilestone in our journey to place human rights at the center of Taiwan’snational ethos, and marks the start of a new chapter for the Control Yuan.我也會請九月上任的考試院新團隊,提出完整的改革方案,檢討過去的思維,轉型為稱職的國家人力資源部門,培育現代政府所需的治理人才。Our new Examination Yuan team will be instated inSeptember, and I will ask them to propose a comprehensive reform plan andevaluate past policies, so that they can become an effective human resourcedepartment that can cultivate the talent a modern government needs. (五)結論Conclusion各位國人同胞,過去七十年來,中華民國台灣,在一次又一次的挑戰中,越發堅韌團結。我們抵抗過侵略併吞的壓力、走出獨裁體制的幽谷,也一度走在被世界孤立的曠野之中,但無論什麼樣的挑戰,民主自由的價值,一直是我們的堅持。「自助助人、自助人助」的共同體意識,也始終是我們的信念。My fellow citizens, over the past 70 years, the Republicof China (Taiwan) has grown more resilient and unified through countlesschallenges. We have resisted the pressure of aggression and annexation. We havemade the transition from authoritarianism to democracy. Although we were onceisolated in the world, we have always persisted in the values of democracy andfreedom, no matter the challenges ahead of us. We will always remain committedto our common belief: Taiwan must help ourselves to help others, and when wehelp ourselves, others will help us.今天我們的現場,有很多防疫英雄:口罩國家隊上中下游產業成員、疫情指揮中心的公衛團隊、以及蘇貞昌院長帶領的政府團隊。Many of the heroes in our fight against COVID-19 are herewith us today, including members of our national face mask team, our CentralEpidemic Command Center’s public health team, and Premier Su Tseng-chang’steam.還有更多沒有在現場的各行各業防疫英雄們,醫護人員、郵務人員、藥師、便利商店店員、以及運將朋友等等。There are many more heroes from all walks of life not inattendance today: medical workers, postal workers, pharmacists, conveniencestore clerks, taxi drivers, and many more.容我無法一一叫出各位的名字,但我想要告訴大家,七十年來,台灣可以度過一次又一次的挑戰,依靠的從來不是一兩個英雄;而是像各位一樣,一起轉動歷史巨輪的無名英雄。是因為有你們,台灣世世代代的幸福、安定、繁榮,才得以延續。I may not be able to call out all of your names, but Iwant everyone to know that Taiwan has overcome countless challenges over thepast 70 years, relying on not just one or two heroes, but thanks to countlessheroes such as yourselves, working together to turn the wheels of history. Youhave helped make Taiwan a happy, safe, and prosperous place for generations tocome.我要向你們所有人致敬。所有的台灣人都是英雄。蔡英文跟賴清德,很榮幸能在此,接受各位的託付。I want to express my respect to all of you. Every singleperson in Taiwan is a hero. Vice President Lai and I are honored to take on theresponsibility you have entrusted to us.能在這樣艱鉅的時刻,承擔中華民國總統的重責大任,我心中的壓力多過喜悅。不過,我不會退縮,因為我有你們。Taking on the responsibility of the President of theRepublic of China in such difficult times brings me more pressure than joy. ButI will not back down, because all of you are with me.未來的路不會一片順遂,挑戰只會越來越多。不過,我們是一個在驚濤駭浪中走過來的國家。我們兩千三百萬人,是生死與共的命運共同體。過去是這樣、現在是這樣,未來也是這樣。The path forward will not be easy, and greater challengesawait us. But we are a country that has persevered through even the greatesthardships. We, the 23 million people, have always been and will always be acommunity with a shared destiny.我由衷期許所有的國人同胞,要記得過去這幾個月,上下一心、緊緊相依、克服難關的感動。中華民國可以很團結,台灣可以很安全,當一個台灣人可以很光榮,可以抬頭挺胸、昂首闊步。I truly hope that all of my fellow citizens will rememberhow it felt to come together to overcome the challenges of the past few months.The Republic of China can be united. Taiwan can be safe. Being Taiwanese can bean honor that makes you hold your head high.親愛的國人同胞,未來的旅程還很長,台灣的故事,也正在展開下一頁。台灣的故事,屬於每一個人,也需要每一個人。My dear citizens, the path ahead of us is long, and weare about to begin a new chapter in Taiwan’s story. Taiwan’s story belongs to eachand every one of us, and it needs each and every one of us.兩千三百萬的台灣人民,請當我們的導引,請當我們的夥伴,讓我們凝聚智慧與勇氣,一起打造一個更好的國家。謝謝大家。I ask that the 23 million people of Taiwan act as ourguides and partners. Let us pool our wisdom and courage and make this country abetter place together. Thank you.
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