周興哲去年10月向大6歲的前主播女友趙岱新求婚成功,並在今年3月宣布老婆懷孕,今(13日)他在臉書報喜,宣布女兒平安出生,更直呼「完全愛上你」,沈浸於迎接新生命的喜悅。周興哲全文:A letter to our newborn babyYou are the most wonderful thing that has happened to us. We are completely utterly in love with you, our baby daughter. I love singing to you every morning, and mommy loves to stare at you. We surrender to your every move, and remember your every touch. You cry a lot now, but we love your voice. So keep crying, keep smiling and we will be there for you every step of the way. Love, Mommy and Daddy

周興哲當爸了 獅子座女兒出生「超萌睡相大公開」
歌手周興哲去年底與大6歲的前主播趙岱新結婚,並在今年3月證實懷孕喜訊,今(13日)在臉書及IG宣布獅子座女兒出生,升格人父的他也寫了一封信給寶寶,引來大批粉絲祝賀。周興哲寫下,給剛出生的寶寶一封信,「妳是發生在我們身上最美妙的事,我們全心全意愛妳,寶貝女兒。我喜歡每天早上唱歌給妳聽,媽媽喜歡盯著妳看,我們向妳的每一個舉動投降,並記住和妳的每個感動。妳現在很常哭,但我們喜歡聽妳的聲音,所以請繼續哭泣,也保持微笑,我們會全程陪伴著妳,愛妳的爸媽」。周興哲宣布女兒出生喜訊。(圖/翻攝自周興哲臉書)貼文曝光後,引來熱烈迴響,不少人紛紛送上祝福,包括哥哥周予天、藝人好友謝佳見、李玉璽等,興奮表示:「大伯也愛你,幸福快樂健康長大!!!」、「Congrats」、「Congratzzzzz」,其他網友也驚喜狂喊恭喜。據了解,周興哲與趙岱新「姊弟戀」多時,受到外界關注,2人曾交往2年分手,不過在2021年復合。他在去年10月向趙岱新求婚成功,曬出超大鑽戒,甜蜜寫下「Forever and ever 」,今年上傳甜蜜合照,驚喜宣布要當爸爸的喜訊,抱著老婆大喊:「我是世界上最幸運的人!」經過將近半年,女兒終於出生了。※周興哲臉書全文A letter to our newborn babyYou are the most wonderful thing that has happened to us. We are completely utterly in love with you, our baby daughter. I love singing to you every morning, and mommy loves to stare at you. We surrender to your every move, and remember your every touch. You cry a lot now, but we love your voice. So keep crying, keep smiling and we will be there for you every step of the way. Love, Mommy and Daddy.